Monday, February 22, 2010

Nal Sarovar - Bird Sanctuary of Gujarat

Last Sunday we visit Nal Sarovar, a bird Santury of Gujarat. It was awesome experince. I would like to share with you.

Hope You like it. :)

Situated: Around 65 k.m west From Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
Area: Nal Sarovar (Lake) is spread in 125 k.m
Best Time For Visit: November to February
Best Time: Reach at 6.00 a.m

its migratory bird population includes Rosy Pelicans, Flamingoes, White Storks, Brahminy Ducks and Herons.


  1. Maru, your pictures are just gorgeous! I know you must have had a wonderful day with your family at the bird sanctuary.

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