Monday, February 22, 2010

Nal Sarovar - Bird Sanctuary of Gujarat

Last Sunday we visit Nal Sarovar, a bird Santury of Gujarat. It was awesome experince. I would like to share with you.

Hope You like it. :)

Situated: Around 65 k.m west From Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
Area: Nal Sarovar (Lake) is spread in 125 k.m
Best Time For Visit: November to February
Best Time: Reach at 6.00 a.m

its migratory bird population includes Rosy Pelicans, Flamingoes, White Storks, Brahminy Ducks and Herons.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Collecting Childhood memories

Some TV shows puts a greater impact on me. I want to share some of my childhood memories with you people. Till today whenever I see these videos it makes me smile.

Whenever I feel sad for needs to recharge my self, I used to see these videos. I have downloaded many episodes of them but sharing two from all.

You just check it out, and please share with me which is you favorite childhood memory show that you remember till today. Enjoy.....

Here is the second one.. Hope u like it..
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